About ODMDS Database


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Map Search: A map displaying open, closed, and inactive ocean dredged material disposal sites (ODMDSs) sorted by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Divisions is available to learn more about ODMDS site characteristics and disposal history. The majority of sites are polygon shaped, while others are circular. Currently a single marker (placed in the corner or middle of a site) represents an ODMDS. When a marker is clicked, an information window will display site characteristics and a summary of disposal. If disposal occurred at the site, a disposal link in the information window may be clicked to view the complete disposal history which will show information such as dredging location, year of disposal, disposal method, start and end dates and total quantity disposed.

ODMDS search: A high level summary of disposal history at open, closed, and inactive ODMDSs. To learn more about disposal history for a specific site click on disposal event count. If there is no disposal history (site is open but has not been used) there will be no additional data to display for the ODMDS. Users may also select a USACE district or USEPA region to see all ODMDSs for the selection. Disposal history data for all years is returned. Use the search box in the upper right hand corner to further limit the results.

Supporting Documents: A limited list of documents is provided to help describe or explain each ODMDS. This is not an exhaustive reference list. The documents give insight into ODMDS selection, management and monitoring, and use. The documents include Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA), Site Management and Monitoring Plans (SMMP), Federal Register documents (FR), monitoring reports, ODMDS maps, and a link to disposal data.

Data & Requests

The goal of this site is to provide available disposal data for each ODMDSs. Users can download data for further analysis. Refer to the field description table below to learn more about each data field. Data requests are accepted. The complexity of your data request determines the completion schedule.

Data integrity is important. If data appear to be incorrectly displayed or missing, please e-mail the database manager with your questions or comments.

Database Structure

The ERDC-EL enters and maintains the data in the ODMDS, a relational database. The database is organized into subject-based tables (e.g., ocean sites, disposal history, and site characteristics) each with a unique identifier. The relations defined between tables provided access and ability to sort data in a variety of ways. The table below lists the field names and descriptions used on this website to help interpret data. Other data available upon request.

Field Name Description
Authority MPRSA Section 102 or 103 site
Cubic yard Total cubic yards of dredged sediment placed at the site.
Cyear The calendar year of the disposal event.
Designation Date ODMDS was designated for disposal of dredged material.
Disposal Method Method used to place dredged material at the ODMDS (e.g., hopper, scow).
Dredged Dredge area where material was excavated prior to transport to an ocean site for disposal.
End Date End date of dredging event. For projects that cross calendar years the end date is December 31.
Events Number of disposal events at the ODMDS (an event is the total quantity disposed by a permittee or federal dredge).
First Used First year dredged sediment was placed at the ODMDS.
Last Used Last year dredged sediment was placed at the ODMDS.
LC London Convention ODMDS identification code.
ODMDS Ocean dredge material disposal site.
Project type Federal or permit.
Sea area Ocean where disposal site is located (Atlantic [ATL], Gulf of Mexico [GOM], Pacific [PAC]).
Shape Shape of the ODMDS (polygon, circle, oval, line, point)
Size Area of site in square nautical miles.
Start Date Start date of dredging event. For events that cross calendar years the start date is January 1.
State Closest state to the ODMDS
Status ODMDS status: Open [site currently designated for dredged material disposal]; Closed [site dedesignated and no longer available for dredged material disposal]; Inactive [site not used in 5 years].
Type ODMDS or Interim site
USACE District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District
USEPA Region U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region
Work type Maintenance dredging [periodic dredging of channel to keep it clear and safe for navigation]; capital dredging [excavation of previously undisturbed sediment, e.g., new channel, deepening of channel, widening of channel]