Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Database

ODMDS District code USACE District USEPA Region CYear Project type Work type Disposal Method CY3 Dredged Sea area Start date End date DredgeEventID LC Site No. Disposal site status
Corpus Christi New Work SWG Galveston R6 2019 Federal Capital Hopper 1654741 Corpus Christi Ship Channel FNP Gulf of Mexico 4/3/2019 12/31/2019 4764 US-090 Open, Final designated ODMDS
Corpus Christi New Work SWG Galveston R6 2020 Federal Maintenance Hopper, Pipeline 1654741 Corpus Christi Ship Channel FNP Gulf of Mexico 1/1/2020 3/15/2020 4936 US-090 Open, Final designated ODMDS