Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Database

ODMDS District code USACE District USEPA Region CYear Project type Work type Disposal Method CY3 Dredged Sea area Start date End date DredgeEventID LC Site No. Disposal site status
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1988 Federal Maintenance Hopper 61200 Humboldt Harbor and Bay FNP Pacific Ocean 5/26/1988 6/1/1988 1505 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1988 Federal Maintenance Hopper 653900 Humboldt Harbor and Bay FNP Pacific Ocean 8/26/1988 10/3/1988 1506 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1988 Federal Maintenance Hopper 63900 Humboldt Harbor and Bay FNP Pacific Ocean 4/10/1988 5/16/1988 1507 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1988 Permit Maintenance Hopper 183100 Humboldt Bay- Bar and Entrance Channels Pacific Ocean 8/26/1988 10/3/1988 1508 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1988 Federal Maintenance Hopper 66300 Humboldt Harbor and Bay FNP Pacific Ocean 4/13/1988 5/31/1988 1518 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1989 Federal Maintenance Hopper 429600 Humboldt Harbor and Bay FNP Pacific Ocean 9/29/1989 10/29/1989 1521 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS
Humboldt Nearshore Disposal Site (NDS) SPN San Francisco R9 1989 Permit Maintenance Hopper 289500 Humboldt Bay- Bar and Entrance Channels Pacific Ocean 9/29/1989 10/27/1989 1522 US-175 Closed, Short-term use ODMDS